10 Tips To Prepare For Your Boudoir Session


10 Tips To Prepare For Your Boudoir Session

  1. Hydrate…a lot.

    The Mayo Clinic recommends 11.5 cups of water every day for women, and 15.5 cups of water for men. Drinking water is great for your skin, prevents fluid retention, and boosts brain function! If you forget to drink water during the day, try one of these apps to help you stay on course.

  2. Get some sleep!

    Make sure you get enough sleep (hopefully all the time, but at least the week before your session)! Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night to help reduce stress, keep under eye circles at bay, lower blood pressure, and improve memory.

  3. Moisturize!

    Your skin needs hydration too, and using a daily moisturizer can help your skin looking good. Dry oils can help soften and moisturize your skin without it feeling greasy. Remember to moisturize the night before, but not the day of, your photo session. Click here for Allure’s list of 15 Body Oils

  4. Get your nails done

    People often forget to do their nails prior to their session. While you might enjoy colorful nails for everyday wear, I usually recommend getting a neutral nail color for your session so that the color doesn’t distract from your face or outfit. My go-to colors for photo sessions are light pink, ivory, and taupe. French manicures are also a classic look!

  5. Stretch

    The week before your session, take a few minutes every day to do some light stretching. Many of the poses will require some flexibility and muscles that aren’t used as frequently, so stretching will help on your photo shoot day. Click here for an easy 5-minute stretch routine video

  6. Remove unwanted body hair

    You can have as much or as little body hair as you would like for the session, but remember to remove any unwanted body hair ahead of your session. Allure just came out with a great, in-depth hair removal guide you can check out.

  7. Get your hair done

    Two weeks before your session, make sure your hair is the length and color you want to see in your photos forever. Trust me, the day before your session isn’t the time to decide on an entirely new look!

  8. Check yourself out in the mirror

    It’s important to make sure everything fits and that you feel good in the outfits you are bringing to your session, so try on your outfits ahead of your session. If you’re buying new items, open them up and try them on, just to be sure you have the right size so there are no surprises on your shoot day.

  9. Make a playlist

    Pick out some confidence-boosting songs to play during your session! Your session is all about you, and that includes listening to music that is going to get you hyped up.

  10. Remove tags from garments

    Removing visible tags from lingerie that you’re planning to wear for your session will save time during your session, and help the session go more smoothly.