

If you’ve ended up here, it’s probably because you want to know about the person who would be taking these super intimate portraits of you. So, please let me introduce myself; my name is Noel Nichols, and I have been a boudoir photographer for eight years. I am from the Gulf Coast of Florida, and I recently moved to Atlanta for new adventures! 

This was one of the best days, right before my first charter dive in Key West!

This was one of the best days, right before my first charter dive in Key West!

My passion for boudoir photography started just a year into owning my own photography studio, when another photographer asked if I could do a boudoir session for her. I love learning to photograph new things, and I immediately agreed. Her session was so much fun, and after seeing her reaction to the photo reveal, I was hooked. That was in 2013, and since then I have photographed hundreds of people who wanted to boost their confidence and create gorgeous intimate portraits.

Boudoir photography isn’t a hobby or a side interest for me; while I do occasionally photograph other things, boudoir has a special place in my heart. Like a lot of people, I have always struggled with my confidence and body image, so when I realized that boudoir photography offered a way that I could help others see their own beauty, I decided to specialize in it. It’s not just that I love showing people how amazing they are (I do really love that part of it!), it’s also that it helps me to know that I’m not alone in my struggles to accept my body and its “flaws.” 

I am lucky to have served clients of every size, shape, race, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and ages 19-67 (a side note here that anyone over the age of 19 is absolutely welcome to do a session with me!). I often have clients that tell me they can’t see their own beauty for themselves, and I always tell them that I can see it, and I will show it to them. It is truly an honor to be able to show clients just how amazing they are through my camera. It is the best feeling in the world to see someone looking at their photos right after their session, and witnessing their own beauty for themselves.

If you’ve made it this far, I want to thank you for your patience and tell you that I appreciate the time you took to learn about me, and why boudoir is so special and personal to me. 

If you would like to chat about doing a session for yourself, you can reach out to me via email, or by using the contact form below. I try to reply to all inquiries within 24 hours. I look forward to hearing from you!